Sunday, November 11, 2007

S- Chip

After the majority of congress voted on the "S-chip" which would have provided millions of poor children without health insurance with health insurance. The new bill would provide federal matching money to cover only children in families with incomes below 300 percent of the federal poverty level, or almost $62,000 for a family of four. The only exception is that New Jersey could continue to provide coverage to families who earn up to $72,000 — if the state ranks high in covering the poorest children. (New York Times). The Senate majority leader, Harry Ried, Democrat of Nevada, said, “Republicans have now twice asked for more time on the children’s health bill and have twice objected when we granted their request.” (New York Times) This bill has been reprocessed because of the need of health care and because children and being neglected and can not do anything about it.

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